Dear Scholarship Candidate,
The Peoria Firefighters Charities, a non-profit group made up of Peoria Firefighters, will be offering two
scholarships to graduating Peoria area seniors. The first is the Johnny Valentine Memorial Scholarship in the
amount of $2,500 for any student wishing to attend college seeking a career in the public service or medical
field. John Valentine was a Peoria Firefighter who passed away during the prime of his career from a brain
tumor leaving behind a wife and daughter. Johnny’s spirit and energy live on today thru the Peoria Fire
Department and its members. Johnny was a well respected Firefighter who lived the Fire Department’s Motto:
Serving with Strength, Honor, and Compassion.





Peoria Firefighter Charities PO Box 6659 Peoria, Arizona 85345 | 501-3C Tax Identification Number 86-1014510